Year 6 visited Safetyworks in Newcastle to learn about various aspects of safety in the wider world. The purpose built centre, has a number of scenarios including a metro station, road and a house full of hazards that could lead to a fire. The children were asked various questions about how they wou
This week we have started our DT topic ‘The Rail Project’. The aim of this project is that we will create an electrical moving train from scratch! We began the week looking at George Stephenson and his amazing impact on the history of railways and explored his revolutionary invention ‘The Rock
In History, Year Two have been learning all about The Great Fire of Gateshead. After their visit to St Mary’s Heritage Centre, the children had lots of knowledge about how and where the fire started. First, the children sequenced the events that took place on 6th October 1854. Did you know, the firs
As part of their maths lessons this week, the children in year 6 took part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge. Thousands of children across the country take part in the challenge. It is designed to encourage enthusiasm, boost confidence in mathematics and show the different ways questions can be a
During our RE work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about Christianity. The boys and girls learnt about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something they wan
As Christmas seems to be getting ever nearer (and I’ve been told I’m the Grinch as I don’t have my Christmas tree up yet), this week’s Reading Corner looks at a couple of new Christmas books available this year. In the ever-increasing technological world that we live in, it is lovely to hear some of
Children have been completing new Star Reader tests in Accelerated Reader, which gives them a new level and can give access to new books. It has been excellent to see the care with which the children have approached these online quizzes and the excellent progress that many of the children have made.
In Geography this half term, we reviewed some of our previous learning about compass points and continents then looked at the 5 key lines of latitude that spread out from the Equator. Narrowing our view of the world down, we focused on Europe, looking at the countries within the continent of Europ
Year 6 have had great fun over the last two weeks in their Geography block. They have been introduced to a number of new skills – linked to their Peace Keepers topic. They started off with some cartography (looking at maps) to locate the position of cities, towns and counties in the UK. After this t
A wet and woolly day for Year 1. They are enjoying learning about construction in nature, how animals keep themselves safe, what materials they might need, what shapes we might see. Thinking about animals and birds that nest, they searched in the woodland for twigs and leaves to create nests of thei