

This week, Year 6 have been having lots of Christmas fun as they prepared for Santa at the weekend. They have made cards, calendars and baubles and danced, played games and eaten at their party. It has made them all feel festive and ready for a break after a hard term of work! Article 31: We all hav


Across school at the end of term, all the children take part in a quiz using the app Mentimeter.  This quizzes them on all things to do with foundation lessons such as History, Geography, Art, PE, Science and more….The classes ring out with cheers and drum rolls. The children are really used to t


The Year One children were invited to take part in a Christmas drawing competition with Tesco Gateshead. The pupils were asked to draw pictures showing a Christmas scene of their choice. The children enjoyed drawing pictures of snowmen, Christmas trees, presents and of course, Santa Claus! They trie


Last year, as a school, we created an Interfaith calendar to celebrate the traditions and celebrations of different faiths and cultures within our community. This year, Year 5’s focus is on the Sikh religion. We looked at the Sikh festival of Hola Mohalla and the celebration of Guru Nanak’s life. Ye


In Year 4 this week, the children have been learning all about advent in RE. They learnt that ‘advent’ means the arrival or the coming and Christians spend this time preparing for Jesus. The children then learnt how different countries around the world celebrate advent. In the UK, children often rec


Over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have continued to look at some important festivals in the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah ‘The Head of the Year’ celebrates the beginning of the year. Unlike our New Year, it is a solemn festival and is celebrated in late September. The children hav