

This week, Year 5 have started learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History. We started the week by looking at why the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain and where they came from.  We learnt that when they invaded Britain, they split it into seven different kingdom – one of them was Northumbria! We then ex


In our Geography work this term, the children have learnt about the characteristics of a desert region and how the River Nile supports life in Egypt. While learning about the River Nile, the children have labelled a map of its journey through Egypt. They have learnt about different types of flooding


Year 6 have been started a block of work about the beliefs and customs associated with the Jewish faith. This week, they have been researching some of the key symbols, the place of worship, holy book (The Torah) and important figures. they had to produce a fact-file to demonstrate their knowledge. A


This week in Design Technology, Year Two have been designing and making their own toy fire engines. First, the children researched existing toy fire engines and thought about what they liked and disliked about some different designs. Then, they used this to help them to design their own toy fire eng


In PE, Year Two have been learning a dance routine to Thriller by Michael Jackson. First, the children learned that a piece of music is counted in beats of eight. To find the beat, the children clapped in time to the song. Then, it was time to get into character. The boys and girls thoroughly enjo


This week in PE, Gail from Skipping School joined us to start our skipping journey. This is part of a wider scheme in school to get more children skipping as part of our commitment to 60 active minutes a day, supporting children in their development of fine and gross motor skills and also getting ch


The children have been working extremely hard during our Multiplication and Division block in Maths. They have been learning how to make equal groups and arrays and have started to use the mathematical vocabulary: factor, product, multiplicand and multiplier.  This week the children have been learn


This week was the first time Year One had a Geography lesson. We talked about where we live. Some children said that they lived in Gateshead whilst others were able to say their address. The children learnt that we all live in a country called England. We found it on a globe and realised that Englan