Today we finished off our Greek topic in Geography with a Greek salad in DT! We drew on our knowledge of food safety and hygiene, linked back to our Pizza Express visit, and we washed our hands, our work stations and rolled up our sleeves to make our salad. We revisited chopping methods discusse
Today the Rights Respecting officers, from each year group, had their final meeting of this academic year! They reflected on the last two years, considering the differences they have made in ensuring all children have access to their rights both in school as well as across the wider community. The O
This week at Angel Court the children took the photos. As you can see as the planting becomes more established, the garden is becoming a bright and beautiful place. Colour and texture all around. Todays session saw the children making some seed balls that will be sown both at Angel Court and at scho
Whittling is a lovely activity that allows the children to hone their tool skills. We work towards this stage gradually, ensuring children are confident in their ability and can follow instructions precisely. This allows them to enjoy the benefits of learning whilst minimising the risk. Today they w
The children in Reception and Year 5 were excited this week to set their butterflies free. The children in both year groups, have been closely observing the changes that took place as the tiny caterpillars transformed into spectacular butterflies. As they were finally released into our outdoor
As part of our PSHE topic this term on relationships and understanding ourselves in the world, today we looked at the connections we have with others in our class. We made a connection-chain based around the things we have in common that link us. Our connections to things give us a sense of belong
Year 5 have had great fun in Science this week whilst investigating how they can separate a mixture of a liquid and different solid particles. As part of their topic about the properties and changes of materials, the children have learnt about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and the pro
Year One were so excited to be introduced to their new text in English. As it is set in Africa, firstly everyone went on a jungle safari. The children made safari name badges and then we all took our pretend binoculars and clipboard outside to see which animals we could spot. Hidden amongst th
In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Ramadan and Eid. They learned that during Ramadan, Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset – this means they’re not allowed to eat or drink anything all day! The children found out that Muslims do this to remind them of people that are less fortunate than
Our termly topic ‘A Sense of Place’ has influenced our art work in Year 3 this term. The children have designed and created a flag for their own castles. Their work began by sketching elements of a castle which were then adapted into symbols. Using these symbols, the children created collagraph bl