

In our final Geography topic of the year, year 5 have been developing their map skills. The children began by consolidating what they knew about using atlases to find locations. They practiced reading the index and using the page number then simple grid coordinates to find a location. They also lear


In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to tell the time. First, they learned about o’clock and half past. They were able to explain that when the minute hand points to twelve, it is o’clock, and when it points to six, it is half past, because it has moved half way around the clock. Next, it was t


This week Year One have had a very special treat. They have been given the opportunity to work with a specialist gymnastics coach. Firstly, the children learnt various shapes that they would need to perform different rolls safely. The children learnt how to make a tuck shape, a pike shape and a stra


This week, the boys and girls in Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Alnwick Castle. After learning about the features of a castle in class, they were all really keen to see which of these they could spot as they explored the castle and its grounds. The children were lucky enough to participate in two workshop


On Tuesday, Class 4B travelled to the Metrocentre to take part in a school visit to Pizza Express. When we arrived, we met the head chef and we learnt why some chefs wear white hats or black hats. Then, the fun began! After washing our hands and pulling up our sleeves, the pizza making commenced! Th


During DT this summer, we start by looking at food miles; imports, exports and why we have to move food around the world.  The children discussed where their food came from and why some foods only grow in some climates.  We found that a lot of green food came from the UK and as you get into hotter


This week saw a change of pace at Angel Court. Hannah Shaw, a printmaker, came to run a creative session inspired by the wood carvings of Thomas Bewick. First the children looked at some of his books, using magnifiers to hone in on the details. They discussed how much texture and movement he managed


Pebbles Pebbles Pebbles The children in the Nursery enjoyed collecting pebbles for their homework. When we came back to Nursery we explored the pebbles and discussed where we collected them from and used our senses to describe them. We then read the story ‘Peters Pebbles’, which is a story about a l


Holidays Holidays Holidays The children in Nursery have enjoyed talking about different kinds of holidays, where they could go, where they would like to go, where they would stay and how they would get there! The nursery has enjoyed pretending to be on planes and trains and writing tickets to each o