

In Art, Year Two have been learning about mark making. They learned about a famous artist called Vincent van Gogh and looked at one of his most famous paintings – Starry Night. The children recognised that van Gogh used lots of different marks to create this piece of art. They discussed whether they


This half term, the boys and girls have been reading Until I Met Dudley – How Everyday Things Really Work. They began by reading the little girl’s imaginative explanations of how everyday objects work, before contrasting these with the factual explanations given by Dudley. This week, we have focused


In English, Year 5 have enjoyed reading Oranges in No Man’s Land in English lessons. The story tells of a young girl in Beirut who is faced with a dilemma when her Grandma becomes ill. In order to help, Ayesha must decide if she should risk her life to cross into enemy territory to obtain some life-


Year 6 have enjoyed a visit to Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. They took part in an interactive lesson from a Roman teacher in the museum and enjoyed the opportunity to study real Roman artefacts in the museum. One of the highlights of the day was during the visit to the ruins of Vindolanda as


We have had a super week at Nursery this week! Our focus during small group times has been; ‘minibeasts’. Over the week, we have looked at different minibeasts, described them and talked about where we might find them in the garden. The children enjoyed talking about minibeast houses, what they


We have had a super week at Nursery this week! Our focus during small group times has been; ‘bees and flowers’. The children have loved learning about the importance of bees in the garden, and how we can bring bees to the garden. We have planted some seeds to grow our own flowers to attract the