This weeks heavy rain meant that it was difficult for our friends at Angel Court to get out into the garden so the children went along to help. They cleaned out the new hens, giving them fresh food, water and bedding. Miss Rowe put up some tarps to create a shelter so the young birds have a dry area
Construction will be the main theme across year groups during our Forest School sessions this term. Construction covers a huge breadth of activities, so the children will be encouraged to build using all sorts of materials. From wood and clay, sticks and stones, words and music, stories and song, a
Today, Reception children met with our Year 4 classes to share stories. It was lovely to see the year 4 children reading so enthusiastically and encouraging the younger children to join in and discuss the stories. Article 13: We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with ot
Our first Forest School session after the holidays is when we re-establish confidence and independence by using our small steps. First the children run ahead to the nursery gate and wait for adults there, then to the ladder, (waiting, excited and chattering all lined up), then to the gazebo where th
Today was a special occasion as the children celebrated their Graduation from Harlow Green Community Primary School. It was an opportunity to share with parents and carers their final moments at Harlow Green and reflect upon the journey that the children have been on. As a year group, they have made
This afternoon, Reception parents and carers came along to cheer on Reception in their annual sports day. The children had so much fun showing off the many physical skills they have been developing over the past year. They demonstrated their speed and agility in the running and beanbag races, th
Hatching time came this week and the whole school got involved. It all started with chick number 1, Dave, who arrived promptly. The children took great delight in hearing the tap, tap, tap of the chicks as they start pipping from their shells. The chicks that hatch are left inside the incubator so t
As we approach the summer holidays, Years 4 and 5 had representatives in from Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade to talk about water safety and how to contact the emergency services. The children spent some time looking at risks around water and then learned about how to float to live and stay calm should
On Tuesday it was time to candle our hatching eggs for the first time. They have been in the incubator for “eggactly” a week so the time had come to see which ones were fertilised. The “hentastic” Jos from Henpower came to support us and answer any questions the children had. The candling process in
Well its been a long time coming, after the tumultuous last few years, but we are finally able to incubate eggs with our friends at Angel Court. We love working with Equal Arts and Henpower, with them we are committed to bringing together the children, older people and hen-keeping to combat loneli