This week, Reception have been making their Mother’s Day cards. The children began by reading ‘My Mum is fantastic’ and discussed how their own mam or people who care for them are fantastic too. The children then practiced their fine motor skills by sewing thread on a heart ready to put onto card. S
Over the last term children across school have been learning about birds. They have been looking at the feeding habits of birds of prey. To try and help them understand the sheer speed of these birds and what it might feel like to be their prey we have been playing a game of Kestrels and the Mice. H
On Tuesday, we were privileged to receive a visit from the Worshipful Mayor of Gateshead Councillor Dot Burnett. The children were excited to see our VIP visitor as she was given a tour of the school by our head boy and head girl. Madam Mayor then lead an assembly for our year five and six pupils
Year 2 spent the first part of their Forest School session in the woods playing a game of Kestrel and the Mice. This speedy hiding game encourages the children to experience what it might be like to be hunted by a bird of prey. Some, like the Sparrowhawk can go from 0-50 kph in 2 seconds and can hov
Reception children went out into the beautiful snow this morning. No wind just buckets of snow. What delight they took in catching it in their mouths! Staring straight up into it and seeing how many flakes you can count. Can you beat 36? Creating snow angels. Then we did some creeping in the woods.
Our music sessions are continuing at Angel Court this half term, but before they began Miss Rowe took the children to Angel Court to give the Platinum Parterre a bit of a face lift. Signs of Spring were all around but under the debris of winter. The children picked up leaves and branches blown down
On Monday 13th February, Harlow Green Primary School staff and pupils came to school in non-uniform with an aim of raising money for the Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal. During the day, Mr Malik presented an assembly (see below) for children in KS1 and KS2 which explained the difficult subject but wh
Despite the wild weather this week, Reception children still managed to get out into the Forest School. First they were told a traditional tale The Magpie and the Birds Nests, this inspired them to think about why birds create nests and what materials different birds use to make them. They found lot
In Reception this week we wanted to remind the children about staying safe online as part of ‘Safer Internet Day’. Although the children in Reception are very young, we know that sharing this message early is very important. We reminded the children that at their age they should be supervised by
Safer Internet Day is held every February all around the world. Safer Internet Day gives us a chance to think about all of the wonderful things technology can help us with, but it is also an opportunity to think about ways we can keep safe online and what to do if we see something we are worried abo