Reception children used their senses to find natural objects that they liked. Feeling for textures, lots of nice shiny leaves, spiky grasses, colourful fruits, smelly herbs, they filled their bags. They moved around in the undergrowth with confidence and are beginning to be able to express why certa
Today, the children started their new unit in PSHE all about relationships. We have looked at the word ‘anonymous’ and how anonymity can be used to hide information about ourselves online. The children were given a example profile of a child similar to their own age and they had the task of highligh
This week year 3 received a visit from KS and Mrs Cunningham. The children all took part in an excellent discussion about different feelings and how all out feelings are valid. The children discussed what can make us have ‘yucky’ feelings and what we can do if we ever get those ‘yucky’ feelings. The
Our Reception children are just beginning their Forest School adventures. Todays challenge was to create a shelter for our furry friend, the squirrel. If you were a squirrel that lived in the woods, what would you want to make it cosy and comfortable? The children had plenty of ideas. They were enco
After the sad loss of The Queen, it was lovely for the children and residents to celebrate her life and love of the outdoors in The Platinum Parterre garden, we created together, to mark her Jubilee. The new greenhouse is going up and the planting has taken root, the foliage is flourishing and the p
This week, the children in Reception have been settling in well to their new classroom environment. We have been getting to know our new teachers and classmates while exploring all the different areas and new resources. We have started learning our class routines, our schools rules to be Ready,
It is with great sadness that I write this message with the sudden passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, yesterday afternoon. As was very clear from the Jubilee celebrations in May, Queen Elizabeth was a person who was loved across all generations like no other. It is impossible to fully
After the break, caused by covid 19 restrictions, we have been delighted to return to visiting our friends at Angel Court. This is a long term community project which we run with the support and guidance of Equal Arts and Henpower. This alliance enables us to deliver high quality, creative sessions,
Today the Rights Respecting officers, from each year group, had their final meeting of this academic year! They reflected on the last two years, considering the differences they have made in ensuring all children have access to their rights both in school as well as across the wider community. The O
This week at Angel Court the children took the photos. As you can see as the planting becomes more established, the garden is becoming a bright and beautiful place. Colour and texture all around. Todays session saw the children making some seed balls that will be sown both at Angel Court and at scho