Personal & Social Education


The children in the Nursery are enjoying playing games! We have been learning how to play Tic Tac Toe, subitizing games, chef games, shopping list games, board games, and skittles. Lots of turn taking, working together, mathematical language, sharing, language, and predictions taking place during th


This week, Year 2 have been learning how to keep our teeth clean. The children learnt the steps to brush our teeth. These were: First, squeeze a pea sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush. Next, brush the front of your teeth. Then, gently brush the outside of your teeth and the back teeth.


The children in Nursery have taken an interest in hairdressing. We set up a role-play hairdresser and they have loved taking on the role of hairdressers and barbers. We have been making appointments, choosing a colour, length, and styles. The children have enjoyed using different products and equipm