This week we have been very busy at Nursery celebrating the festival of Halloween. We discussed what Halloween was and looked at different ways we can celebrate the festival, such as dressing up, Trick o Treating and carving pumpkins. Our story of the week has been ‘What’s in the Witches Kitchen’. T
In PSHE, Year Two have been learning about the importance of community. They learned that a community is a group with something in common. The children recognised they were a part of lots of communities – football teams, dancing classes and the area where they live. This week, the children discussed
Making friends, sharing and co-operating with one another is an important part of Year One. In PSHE the children discussed ways to be a good friend and acted out different scenarios to demonstrate what a good friend would do. They thought of so many excellent ways to be kind to everyone. To sh
This week in Year 3, we have had a visit from KS and Mrs Cunningham. We talked about how we can have yucky feelings when we are scared, sad and worried. KS and Mrs Cunningham told us a story about a time when they got lost on a walk and they were feeling sad, scared and worried. Mrs Cunningham expla
Our First Week at Nursery We have had a lovely time altogether in Nursery this week for the first time. We are extremely proud of all of the children settling into our routine of daily life. The children have all been fantastic at leaving their parents/carers and settling straight in to play with th
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect
In preparation for their Forest School adventures, Reception children practiced turning waterproofs out the right way and putting them on. Such a useful skill that so that they can be independent and we can maximise our time outside no matter what the weather. For some it took a lot of perseverance,
This week we continued with the boat building theme, linked to The Vikings. The children were taught how to make a timber hitch, used to move wood and to create a starting point for securing other more complex hitches. Knot work can be very challenging, so using big ropes on large logs helps the chi
What a beautiful morning to be creative, catch up with friends and start our journey into this years Forest School sessions. Linking to the topic of Vikings the children began setting up a boat building area. They started gathering resources from around the site and made their first models. Simple
This week the children in Year 3 enjoyed a morning of forest school and physical activities in the warm sunshine. Mrs Chapman and Mrs Hamilton’s class displayed impressive teamwork during an orienteering activity. They followed a map of the school grounds to find hidden clues. Each clue reve