We all love a good tune! From our earliest years, through our formative teenage years and as some of us move into (and past!) middle age, our changing musical taste has been there for us to enjoy artists that speak to us in different ways. Recently, the power of music has been highlighted across t
And that is another week over! At times, days are flying over whereas at other times the days feel like an eternity. No matter how time is passing, what the staff at Harlow Green are definitely feeling now is that they are missing the children. They are missing the connection and the time spen
Despite difficult times, our children and residents of Angel Court enjoyed a fantastic last session creating pottery depictions of the Angel of the North. They started by rolling out the clay using guide sticks to control the thickness, the children helped the older people to do this, as they so
Year 4 took advantage of their swimming lessons being cancelled to prove they are still confident in their Forest School skills. What better way to spend a sunny morning. Don’t forget in these times of social distancing, if you can get out into nature the children have plenty of creative ideas. Spri
The children in Reception have been very lucky and have been chosen to visit Southernwood Residential Home with Little Movers. The children will go in small groups for series of visits to the home to take part in some inter generational classes. This will take place over the next few weeks. We went
Health is one of the key drivers of the school’s curriculum and the Skipping Schools initiative and Sports Relief have allowed Year 6 children to really focus on the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and the importance of sustained exercise and raising their heart rate. During sports rel
Awareness and protection of our personal information has never been as important. Helping our children to understand how situations can quickly spiral out of control and showing them how to protect themselves is vital to keep them safe now and in the future. The classes were split into 4 teams a
This term, in Year 5, our Forest School is focusing on Personal, Social and Emotional education in a more specific way. Last week the children discussed the three aspects of human health; physical, mental and emotional. The children then whittled sticks and wrote on them things they do to ensure t
The children spent an amazing afternoon working on their sgraffito tiles with the residents of Angel Court. Learning about the different glazes and how to apply them is really interesting and we are eagerly awaiting the results once the tiles have had their final firing. The theme of nature has insp
In our Forest School this week Year 3 experienced some culinary delights from the Stone Age. Linking to their topic they have been learning about how Stone Age man would have hunted and gathered their food. What impact the introduction of fire made to their communities and how this enabled them to b