At the end of last term year 6 discussed ways to improve and maintain their mental health, what things could they do to help stay emotionally and mentally fit. Through our Forest School we aim to embed their understanding by giving them practical situations to demonstrate their knowledge. Planning a
This week in Reception, we have celebrated Pancake Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed choosing a delicious topping for their pancake. After this, the children began to taste them. We really enjoyed getting to try the different flavours. This led to some fantastic conversations about our favourite
Nursery children enjoyed learning about birds this week. In class we watched a short film about the types of birds we might expect to see in our community, then we listened to different bird songs. The children particularly liked the chattering magpie and the robin. Before heading outside some child
In Design Technology, Year 2 have been exploring what makes a healthy lunch. We learnt all about the 5 different food groups and how a meal should contain elements of each of the groups. With this in mind, the children designed a healthy packed lunch. The children then practised their spreading, cu
Due to the wild weather, Year 3 stayed inside this week for their Forest School session, but we carried on learning about our native birds. We looked at plumage in particular, then the children made drawings and created origami bird snappers. They tried to represent the colours realistically and p
This series of sessions we have been looking at nature, plants and flowers, the aim to incorporate our observations into clay, creating tiled wall panels. The residents explained to the children what their favourite aspects of the garden were, then the children were sent out to collect as many of th
The children in Reception have been very lucky and have been chosen to visit Southernwood Residential Home with Little Movers. The children will go in small groups for series of visits to the home to take part in some inter generational classes. This will take place over the next few weeks. We went
This half term in Music, the Year 5 children have been focusing on drumming. The topic was inspired by the Rio Carnival so the children have been learning all about Brazilian culture. They played the surdo drums, keeping a steady pulse, whilst playing a rhythm on the agogo. The tamborim and ganza we
Each year our school takes part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. The children really look forward to this event, which will be carried out across school. Very strong winds has postponed things, but this week the weather cleared and we saw perfect bird-watching conditions. The children set themselve
Last week Year 2 took on the big physical challenge of the obstacle course, the aim not just to have fun and get fit, but to see if girls and boys approached the activity differently. The outcome being that the size of the child appeared to be the only ‘hurdle’. This week a change of pace with a whi