Personal & Social Education


In PSHE this week Year Two have been thinking about goals and aspirations. They started by identifying that an aspiration is a wider general achievement, whereas a goal is a smaller step towards that achievement.  The children then thought carefully about what their goals are. First, they talked ab


It’s the beginning of Christmas in Reception.  This week, Reception have been getting ready for Christmas with the most important job, writing a letter to Santa. We started the week by discussing all of the marvellous things Santa might bring us, then we wrote him a letter. As we did not know what


Years 1 and 2 are growing in confidence with every Forest School session that they enjoy, being mentored by our Year 6 Outdoor Workers really extends their learning too. This week they have been getting used to handling the new hens. We have 8 new ones, 3 Silkies, that are a small breed, 3 large fow