Personal & Social Education


It was a pleasure to take Year One to South Shields beach this week.  Unfortunately the weather was overcast with some drizzle but that did not spoil our fun on the beach. The children enjoyed the coach journey and it was lovely to hear the squeals of delight as they saw the beach for the first tim


This week Year Two visited Saltwell Park. As part of their PSHE work the children have been thinking about how they could help their local community. They took part in a litter pick while they were there and also used the opportunity to carry out some geography fieldwork. When they arrived, the chil


This week, Year Six have started working on an enterprise project, ‘Make a Fiver Grow’. The project involved the children working in teams of between three and six children to set up a company and decide on a product or a service they would provide to customers. Each group will receive a £5 ple