Since Christmas, the choir have not stopped – rehearsing for two major projects. Firstly, they’ve learned 10 songs for the Spring Sing performance at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music in Gateshead. They had a great time singing on the stage with other schools in front of a large audien
Some of our ceramics are out of the kiln, don’t they look amazing? Some are for school and some for the Angel Court garden and our hens have a lovely new sign for their coop too. Our final session with potter Lindsey Grieves, took place at Angel Court this week. The residents and children worked t
This week, the children in Reception were treated to a visit from two police officers from Northumbria police service. The police officers talked to the children about the job that they do including how they help people and keep them safe. They showed the children their uniforms and some of the
In PSHE this week, Year 4 have been talking about their families and what they mean to them. It was lovely to see how much they appreciate their families even if they don’t always show it! The children identified how family units can be very different; some families can be vary large and some small;
This week, 50 brave children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the annual Gateshead School Sports Dance Festival at The Glasshouse International Music Venue (formerly The Sage). This year the theme was Equality and it was an incredible night with a whole range of schools taking part from across Gatesh
In PSHE, Year Two have been learning all about their bodies and how they change as they grow. To begin, the children learned about things that can help their body and things that can harm their body. The children looked at a range of products and decided which would be helpful and which would be har
Year 6 have worked so hard on their debris shelters and were really excited this week to build fires near them. They made sunken fires following a “no trace” fire making format. Some used the fire bowl to protect the tree roots where they had dug down. Others decided to have a go at a no trace fir
The pots and mushrooms have had their first bisque firing in the kiln, this hardens the clay to make a more durable form. The clay is now dry and porous, so will need glazing to add colour and seal the surface. Lindsey explained and demonstrated the process, then the children and residents chose th
John, one of the Angel Court residents, has a passion for gnomes. He has joined a new walking group on Fridays, which he is really enjoying but we know he misses seeing the children each week. With that in mind we thought it would be a nice surprise to make some gnomes for him and place them in t
Today, we raised money for Comic Relief. All of the children came to school dressed in their own clothes with a Comic Relief theme. During the day, the children found out about how the money raised will people in need. Later, the boys and girls enjoyed telling jokes to their classmates and vo