Physical Education


This term, Reception a have been given the opportunity to work with a specialist gymnastics coach.  The children made a very impressive start to their new unit of work this week by learning to do forward rolls.  By the end of the session most children were able to do this and both classes then mov


In PE, Year Two  have been practising their ball skills. This week, the children had to control the ball using their hands and feet. First, the children had to move the ball around their body in the same direction. When they heard ‘change’, they had to carefully change the direction the ball was mo


As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter.  The teachers