Year 4 started their Forest School sessions this term with some knot work. Working in pairs creating timber hitches to haul heavy logs. This is a really useful skill that will enable them to create different types of shelter, to move heavy objects and to start to make tension lines. It requires clea
This afternoon, in the glorious Autumn light, children from Year 1 went out into the Forest School to collect leaves for mulching. They were very focused and found all sorts of incredible colours and patterns. Some children decided to sort them into an Autumn colour chart using plant pots. Others wo
Wands and broomsticks, potions and ghosts, Year 6 created all sorts of spooky things for Halloween. Using Formia leaves to make fastenings the children worked together to create some fantastic broomsticks, smelly ones, using thyme, sage, mint and lemon balm. Fluffy ones made from rose bay willow her
Friday night is fitness night for some Year 6 children as they stay for an after school fitness session. They do a range of exercise sessions from boxing workouts, to core workouts and always put in 100% effort. getting into good fitness habits at an early age cannot be underestimated as it sets you
Year 2 begin to learn more about tools and construction within their Forest School sessions. First sorting the hammers into different types, then we looked at what each type might be used for. We also talked about what you could use if you didn’t have a hammer and how could you improvise. The childr
In our Forest School this week children from Reception and Nursery looked for materials that would be good for making paintbrushes. They found all sorts of hairy, fluffy, furry and leafy materials. Some of the more dexterous wound these items around and attached them to sticks, others picked plants
The the Year 3 Tennis Club is now in its third week of training. With an eye on the Gateshead tournament scheduled for the summer term, the squad has started working hard to learn the two main shots required to hit the ball over the net – forehand and backhand. The children have been learning that
Year 6 children were busy this week, they practiced using flint and steel to create a spark, then tried to find appropriate tinder to ignite. This can be a real challenge, we will looking at what kind of tinders can be found naturally and what kind of man-made alternatives are available, it’s always
Reception children used their senses to find natural objects that they liked. Feeling for textures, lots of nice shiny leaves, spiky grasses, colourful fruits, smelly herbs, they filled their bags. They moved around in the undergrowth with confidence and are beginning to be able to express why certa
This half term we are working on gymnastics’ techniques and skills – starting with balancing using different parts of our body . Firstly we worked with a partner to create a balance with a shape. We tried to form squares, circles and triangles using parts of our body. Some of the children we