Physical Education


This term, Year Two have been practising their hockey skills in PE. In their first lesson, they learned how to use the hockey stick correctly and safely. The children held the stick using two hands to ensure they had full control over the ball. This week, the children have been practising their drib


Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s


This term, Year Six have been studying World War Two. As part of this, in PE lessons, the children have been learning different types of dances that came about during wartime. They have enjoyed practising the Jive to the song Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley – a song that they have also been lear


In Year 3 this half term, the boys and girls are learning how to play tag rugby. We started our learning by playing a game of tag and learning how to take a tag off an opponent – the children thoroughly enjoyed this! Developing passing skills was the next challenge and the children did find it trick

This week, Year 6 children took part in a Tag Rugby festival at Winlaton Rugby Club. The children braved the cold weather to put in an excellent performance with both of the teams winning matches in their groups. For many, it was their first experience of rugby and their understanding improved as th