In PE this half term we have enjoyed two sports….one being Boccia (an inclusive version of bowls) and we have just started golf! We have been using all of our crazy golf seaside experience to start to perfect our golfing stance, the correct ways to hold the clubs and then how hard or gently to str
Last Thursday our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Indoor Athletics Finals which was held at Gateshead Stadium. We qualified a few weeks ago which meant we were one of 10 schools to take part. Our team was made up with 12 boys and 12 girls and they all worked to
Last week some of our KS2 children got the opportunity to go to Sunderland Bowling Alley and play some games of Bowling. The children did really well and some even manged a few strikes! All children who took part received a participation medal to bring back to school. Well done everyone you all repr
This half term, the children in Year 3 are learning how to play hockey. They started by being introduced to some of the main skills – dribbling, passing and stopping the ball. The boys and girls learned how to hold the stick correctly and understand that they can only use the flat side. They star
In their Forest School session this week our Nursery children created a Stick Forest on the hill at the front of school. The sparkler sticks were made with sparkly glue and bits of coloured paper and some children collected leaves that they had found to make Leaf Sticks. These were then hammered i
It was a beautiful crisp sunny day for Year 1’s Forest School session. First some games of Sticky Feet with our Year 6 outdoor workers, this game is fun but also encourages the children to think about characteristics of different creatures or plants. It also helps to establish boundaries and team
In Reception Mrs Holt has been teaching the children about percussion. In class they tried to think about different ways of making a beat using items that are not instruments. We then headed into the Forest School to see is we could find musical objects in nature. They were really surprised at the v
What a fabulous time we had this week, learning about Bonfire Night! We loved sharing our experiences and talking about the bright fireworks that lit up the night sky. Everyone had a unique story to tell, and it was wonderful to see how much fun we all had! In art this week, we created dazzling fire
This morning, some of our KS2 children took part in a multi-sport festival which was held at Gateshead Stadium. The children took part in a wide range of activities involving Football, Curling, Boccia, and Volleyball as well as a few other sports. Our team participated in every activity with such en
On Tuesday, one of our Year 5 and 6 Rugby teams took part in the Gateshead Finals which was held at Blaydon Leisure Centre. The team had to win a competition just to qualify for this event which was already a fantastic achievement. 8 Schools made the finals and we had to play every team once in a le