This week, Year 6 children took part in a Tag Rugby festival at Winlaton Rugby Club. The children braved the cold weather to put in an excellent performance with both of the teams winning matches in their groups. For many, it was their first experience of rugby and their understanding improved as th
Now is the time of year that we need to prepare our Forest School for the seasons to come. Showing the children how we can make our site sustainable and realising their own environmental impact is an important aspect of our Forest School. We spent the afternoon collecting leaves for mulching, repair
This term some of the Year 6 children have been attending a futsal club on a Thursday morning. It has been great to get clubs up and running again! The children have been practising their futsal skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling and other football skills. Article 29 – We all have t
This term some of our year fours have been attending a Basketball club on a Thursday afternoon . The children have been practising their basketball skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling, defending and attacking. The children have worked really hard in every session. Article 29 – We all hav
Last week our year 6 cross country team took part in the Gateshead Schools’ Cross Country race. There were 44 teams who took part and our school came third which is an outstanding achievement. Well done to all runners who took part. They received their medals in assembly today. Article
Year 6A were lucky enough to be visited by Ukuma Ta’ai from Gateshead Thunder and the Tonga national rugby league teams. He gave the children the opportunity to ask questions about life as a professional sportsman and gave some good advice about sticking in and trying hard at school. Following this,
As part of our PE lessons, this half term Year 5 will be learning more about Tag Rugby. The children were very excited to get started, and they were fantastic during the lessons! Both classes played various games where they had to use all of the skills they will require for Tag Rugby games, includin
This week, Year Six have taken part in lots of physical activity. They have learned drills in Tag Rugby lessons; 6B went for their first swimming lesson; and 6A enjoyed some fun in the sun with team games and races. Health is one of the key aspects of the school curriculum and is one of the main dri
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect
In preparation for their Forest School adventures, Reception children practiced turning waterproofs out the right way and putting them on. Such a useful skill that so that they can be independent and we can maximise our time outside no matter what the weather. For some it took a lot of perseverance,