Physical Education


This week in our Forest School the children were asked to create limericks or nonsense poetry about Owls, and then share them in a variety of ways. Before going outside, we read the Owl and the Pussycat and some of Edward Lear’s owl based limericks and discussed the humour often found in this type o


As part of our Red Nose Day celebrations, Reception have taken part in a variety of different physical activities during PE. We have been practicing our throwing skills into hoops and our new basketball nets, jumping on space hoppers, and nose and spoon races. The children enjoyed exploring differen


This week, Year 3 enjoyed their first lesson of basketball. In pairs, they worked on their dribbling skills, taking it in turns to dribble the ball around the MUGA without loosing control or bumping into anyone else. They then moved onto passing and played games using both chest and bounce passes. S