Physical Education


As part of our Red Nose Day celebrations, Reception have taken part in a variety of different physical activities during PE. We have been practicing our throwing skills into hoops and our new basketball nets, jumping on space hoppers, and nose and spoon races. The children enjoyed exploring differen


This week, Year 3 enjoyed their first lesson of basketball. In pairs, they worked on their dribbling skills, taking it in turns to dribble the ball around the MUGA without loosing control or bumping into anyone else. They then moved onto passing and played games using both chest and bounce passes. S


This week, children and staff have had a fantastic time catching up with one another. Everyone has shown a great attitude and enjoyed getting back into the routine of the school day. Well done- we are very proud of you! On Thursday, both classes loved their P.E. lessons of either hockey or tennis ou


As mentioned last week, we recognise that Home Learning can, at times, be challenging for the household and we appreciate the effort parents/carers and children are making with a second, sustained period at home.  Within this in mind, our learning schedule for the final week of half-term (see below


This half term in PE, Mrs Jennings’s class have been working hard on Netball, while Miss Alexander’s class have been getting handy with their hockey sticks! Although some of the lessons were rained off, all of the children have worked extremely well, and have shown excellent sportsmanship as well as