On Thursday afternoons Miss Rowe takes the children in Year 3 for both Forest School and PSHE sessions. This terms PSHE topic has been focused on what makes good friendships. How do we co-operate with each other to improve our relationships? What should a good friendship look like? What do we do whe
Year 2 were thrilled to discover a whole village of strange dwellings had appeared in our Forest School. Who could have made them? Will they come back? Fairies, goblins or woodland creatures, the children were so excited. They decided to leave some messages for the visitors. First they collected som
Year 6 are getting back into the swing of their Forest School sessions, they made the most of the Autumn weather to build some amazing shelters. Apart from the sheer creativity of the task, natural den building benefits the children in many ways. This week the dens had to be free-standing, use only
Stick Safety is a vital part of the children’s Forest School journey. In the willow house we encouraged the children to work out the best way to maneuver the materials. They then practiced in a circle watching each others techniques and making any changes. Once that was completed the children were s
During our indoor PE lessons this half term, Year 5 have been working on our fitness. From squats to star jumps, and planking to press ups, we’ve done it all! The children are keen and enthusiastic to complete their workouts (even if they’re complaining of sore muscles the next day!). It is rewardin
In P.E. Year 6 have been doing a variety of activities to help keep fit. Mrs Galvin’s class have been learning how to pass backwards whilst moving forwards in tag rugby and Mr Allen’s class have started to throw and catch the ball in a lacrosse stick, which is proving somewhat hard to do. Both of th
The staff in EYFS have been overwhelmed by the amount and variety of home learning activities that the children have posted to Tapestry and our e-mail this week. It is evident that parents have been working hard to come up with new activities to make learning fun and keep their little ones busy. T
Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy
Year 4 took advantage of their swimming lessons being cancelled to prove they are still confident in their Forest School skills. What better way to spend a sunny morning. Don’t forget in these times of social distancing, if you can get out into nature the children have plenty of creative ideas. Spri
Year One have been very busy taking part in lots of different sports activities. As part of Sports Relief, the children danced together to encourage fitness and fun. Everyone enjoyed following the different steps. Some children even had the energy to sing along as well! Also, some children had the o