Over the course of this week, Year 5 have taken part in various activities linking to Sports Relief. The children enjoyed skipping with Skipping Coach Liz, who taught them many skills and tricks to perform with a skipping rope. All children had good fun playing a skipping game that involved running
The children have enjoyed lots of sports this week, ready to celebrate Sports Relief. On Wednesday afternoon, Liz from Skipping Schools came to teach the whole school some skipping skills. In Reception, we enjoyed playing lots of different games with the ropes. First of all, we jumped, hopped and
This week we have been taking part in sporting activities to celebrate Sports Relief. On Wednesday, we had a visit from a skipping coach. She taught us lots of new techniques for skipping independently, including double bounce, backwards skipping and hopping. All the children tried their hardest and
The children in Reception have been very lucky and have been chosen to visit Southernwood Residential Home with Little Movers. The children will go in small groups for series of visits to the home to take part in some inter generational classes. This will take place over the next few weeks. We went
Health is one of the key drivers of the school’s curriculum and the Skipping Schools initiative and Sports Relief have allowed Year 6 children to really focus on the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and the importance of sustained exercise and raising their heart rate. During sports rel
We had a great taster session from Skipping Schools today, doing some paired skipping and also some jumping in and out of the larger group skip rope. Skipping is a fantastic way to get fit and healthy. What was impressive was how high we can jump! Article 24 – We all have the right to be healthy a
This week we’ve been working on our back hand and returning skills, working in pairs to pass and return the ball over the net. Article 29 – right to develop our talents and abilities.
Today, five teams of year 5 children attended a basketball tournament organised by Newcastle Eagles. Each team played five matches and many baskets were scored. Team two made it through to the knock out stage. Despite their excellent effort and attitude, they did not win. The children competed fanta
The children in Reception have been very lucky and have been chosen to visit Southernwood Residential Home with Little Movers. The children will go in small groups for series of visits to the home to take part in some inter generational classes. This will take place over the next few weeks. We went
This week, we had some special visitors in Reception. Some of our grown ups came into to see what we get up to at school. Our workshop focused on physical development and how important it is for our bodies. We enjoyed some gross motor movement in the hall with Little Movers. This included dancing, s