Physical Education


Year 5 displayed their understanding of water safety procedures this week. They have worked incredibly hard to get to this point of assessment, following the directions of the swimming instructor with focus and demonstrating with precision. Wearing loose clothing, the first task to swim out slowly i


Year 4 have been studying mountains this term, and to finish off our Geography topic we took a trip to the hilliest park we could find (Wharton Park – Durham – our version of a mini-mountain). Whilst there, we took part in some orienteering and compass work all around the park, run by Durham County


Reception have been exploring the jungle in PE and developing their ability to move in a range of ways.  We have been moving around the hall on a range of apparatus, acting as different animals you would find in the jungle, such as lions, snakes, monkeys and tigers. We began by thinking about how t


Year 4 collaborated to construct obstacles for an assault course. Forest School opportunities are designed to build on an individual’s innate motivation, positive attitudes and/or interests. Any Forest School experience follows a Risk–Benefit process managed jointly by the practitioner and learn