Physical Education


This half term in PE, Year Two have been learning gymnastics. They started by exploring different shapes they could make with their bodies, making sure they were stable and balanced. Then they started to work in pairs to match each other. Once they had identified some different body positions they w


This term during all of our Forest School sessions we will be learning about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. You can join in the survey at home too with the Big Garden Birdwatch. The first week back has seen some predictably wild January weather, so with this in mind the sess


The children in Year 6 have returned to school full of energy and have been working extremely hard in all of their sessions. This week, In P.E. they were pushed tot heir limits in a circuit challenge. The children had 15 different exercises to complete from mountain climbers to burpees and they had


Across school at the end of term, all the children take part in a quiz using the app Mentimeter.  This quizzes them on all things to do with foundation lessons such as History, Geography, Art, PE, Science and more….The classes ring out with cheers and drum rolls. The children are really used to t