This term, in RE Year two have been learning about life as a Muslim. They have focused on the ceremony for welcoming a new baby (called Aquiqah) and the wedding ceremony. First, Brother Khadim, from the Newcastle Central Mosque visited the children. He shared different artefacts and information abou
In Reception this week, we have been learning about the Hindu festival, Holi. The children learned that Holi celebrates the beginning of spring. Some Hindus celebrate by planting and growing flowers, making traditional Indian sweets and joining in with the celebration of throwing colourful powders a
In RE this week, the Year 6 children have been learning about the importance of Moses and The Passover festival to people of the Jewish faith. The children enjoyed listening to the story of the Passover and were particularly interested in the ten plagues. They then created a storyboard which reflect
Today, the boys and girls started learning about the Jewish faith. They began with a visit to Newcastle Reform Synagogue and found out about why it is such an important building and what happens there. After their visit, the children have reflected on the activities which take place in a synag
This week in Reception Class, we joyfully celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a delightful tradition that marks the beginning of Lent. To enhance our understanding of this special day, we read the story, Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. This engaging tale captivated the children’s imaginations and sparked their enthusia
All the pupils were very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One. On Wednesday we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We enjoyed the journey and talked about features of our local area along the way. Once there, we were greeted by Reverend Danie and Reverend Elaine. Th
On Tuesday, Year 5 took part in World Religion Day. Across the day, the children in Year 5 learnt about Sikhism. We started our day looking at the Ten Guru’s of Sikhism, focusing more closely on Guru Nanak. The children learnt about the story of Guru Nanak and the Boulder. This story teaches an im
World Religion Day falls on the third Sunday in January each year. The day is an opportunity to promote understanding and peace between all religions. As a way of celebrating the day, the boys and girls at Harlow Green have all been learning about the Sikh faith. Throughout the school, there was a l
In order to celebrate World Religion Day, Year Six joined the rest of the school in learning about the religion of Sikhi. This morning, each class attended a Bhangra dance workshop in the hall and enjoyed dressing up and learning routines which included hand movements, leg movements and even spins!
This week in Reception Class, the children have been immersed in the joyous spirit of Christmas! Our classroom has been buzzing with excitement as we celebrated our much-anticipated Party Day. The highlight was undoubtedly the surprise visit from Santa, who brought cheer and laughter to all. They th