Religious Education


This week, the Year One children have enjoyed finding out about Diwali and how it is celebrated by the Hindu community. Our learning journey started by a virtual trip to the Oriental Museum. Ross and his team taught the children all about the gods and deities. We used hand actions to retell the stor


In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. The children learnt that Christians often get married in a church, exchange rings/vows and eat cake. The children had to pretend that they had been a guest at a Christian wedding and made a thank you card for the bride and groom. Inside


During RE, Year 3 are answering the key question, ‘What events are important to people of the Jewish Faith?’ The boys and girls have read the story of Esther and understand the significance of Purim. To celebrate in style, the children designed and created their own carnival masks and had great fun


As part of our RE topic in year 4, the children enjoyed a visit to the Iskcon Hindu temple in Newcastle. The children enjoyed learning about the history of the temple, how it is used by the local Hindu community, its important features and the Gods that are worshipped there. They were also intereste


This term in Year 2, we have been learning about Islam. We have focused on celebrations within the religion and Muslim marriages. The children enjoyed making links between their previous RE topic of Christianity, where we also looked at marriages. On Tuesday, we visited Newcastle Central Mosque to h


Year One have been learning all about Christmas traditions. The children have listened to the Christmas story and also learnt about the symbolism of Christingles. They learnt about what each part of the Christingle represents and found out that they are used in churches at Christmas time. The childr