As part of our learning about Easter, Year 5 have studied the Rosary. They learned about the different parts of the prayer, and how the different elements relate to different people in the life and learning of Jesus, as well as how Christians sometimes use the beads to help them keep count of how ma
In Year 6, the children have been learning about the Passover Festival. They have enjoyed learning about Moses and the plagues that were sent upon Egypt, resulting in the final plague where death of the first born son passed over the doors of the Jewish households, which were marked by lambs blood.
This week, the children have enjoyed learning about the Jewish holiday of Purim. It commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved by a Jewish woman named Esther. We had a virtual visit from Mr Glickman who shared the story of Esther with the children and explained how Jewi
This week, Reception have been busy making a special film of our Nativity play, ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. Despite the short amount of time we have had to put it together, the children have done a marvellous job learning the songs and learning their lines for the production. This year, as we were una
This week, Year 3 have been looking forward to Christmas. Monday began with a bang – their Christmas party! The boys and girls had loads of fun playing games and showing off their dance moves. They also enjoyed watching the Northern Stage’s first ever virtual Christmas show, ‘The Emperor’s New Cloth
This half term in RE, Year 5 have been studying Christianity. We began by focussing on the Ten Commandments; we discussed what each commandment meant, and although we understand they’re all equally as important overall, we decided which we thought was the most important to us as individuals, and why
This week, the children in Year 6 have continued to look at some important festivals in the Jewish calendar. Hanukah started on Thursday 10th December and the children joined in the traditional dreidel game – although they may have been slightly disappointed they didn’t play with sweets or chocolate
Thank you to everyone who supported us with the Kindness at Christmas campaign – Let’s fight loneliness together. Yet again, we are blown away by your generosity. As a school, we have donated over 200 gifts which are sure to go a long way in making Christmas a little brighter for some of the eld
In RE, we have been learning all about why Christians celebrate advent. We learnt that the word ‘advent’ means to count up or the arrival of something. In churches, they celebrate advent by using advent wreaths. These are wreaths that contain 5 candles. Each of the candles represent something differ
In RE this term, year 4 have been learning about places in the world that are of special importance to Christians. The children were able to share their own special places and explain why they are important to them. They then found out about why different places around the world are so important to