Religious Education


This week, Year Two had a visitor from Newcastle Central Mosque. They learned lots of facts about Islam, including how Muslim babies are welcomed into the world and what happens at a Muslim wedding. To begin, the children learned about aqiqah –  a naming ceremony that takes place when a baby is sev


On Thursday, Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic visit to the ISKCON Hindu temple in Newcastle. We enjoyed stories about the Hindu faith, learning about the prayer ceremony and hearing the chanting and signing.  We had chance to talk about all the fascinating Hindu gods and goddesses and learned about tradi


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building


The Year 3 children have thoroughly enjoyed this week’s activities. They read the Christmas Story and worked together to retell it using pictures. In DT, the children designed and made a Christmas stocking, using a running stitch technique. They all managed to follow the brief as everyone’s stoc


Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been learning about the Jewish faith and have studied some of the important beliefs and celebrations. The children have learnt about some important festivals in the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah ‘The Head of the Year’ celebrates the beginning of


This week we have been learning about the first ever Christmas.  Year One have been busy rehearsing their Christmas Nativity. Alongside this, they have also been learning about the Christian story of Christmas. First of all, they learnt the names of all the important characters – Mary, Joseph, Jesu


Last week, the children in Year 5 spent some time designing their posters for the 2024 RE calendar, which is hung in each class throughout school. Year 5 created posters representing two different Sikh festivals, Hola Mohalla and Guru Nanak’s birthday. The children enjoyed using their creative skill


It’s the beginning of Christmas in Reception.  This week, Reception have been getting ready for Christmas with the most important job, writing a letter to Santa. We started the week by discussing all of the marvellous things Santa might bring us, then we wrote him a letter. As we did not know what