In RE, we have been exploring Christianity. We have looked at the ten commandments and ranked them from what we thought was the most important to least important. We then went on to learning about the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. We explored the story and looked at the eight beatitudes, learning how t
All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons. They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diya lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks. Rangoli patterns are created outside houses
In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. They learned that a Christian is someone who believes in God and follows the teachings of Jesus. First, the children found out who takes part in a Christian wedding. As well as the bride and groom, there is a priest, a best man and, some
This week our RE focus has been on Christianity and the Miracles of Jesus. We looked at some of the traditional miracles like calming the sea and healing the sick and then looked at what made these miracles. We then looked at the events surrounding the Hudson River plane accident and whether thi
In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Ramadan and Eid. They learned that during Ramadan, Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset – this means they’re not allowed to eat or drink anything all day! The children found out that Muslims do this to remind them of people that are less fortunate than
In RE, we have been learning about the different festivals held in the Hindu religion. Last Friday, the children looked at the festival of Navratri and learned that this festival celebrates good over evil. The festival of Navratri is celebrated at the end of September or the beginning of October;
The children in Nursery enjoyed taking part in Easter crafts over the weeks running up to half-term. Together, we have made crispy cakes, Easter cards, decorated eggs, and more! We were very lucky to have a visit from the Easter Bunny, he scattered eggs all over the field for us to go and find. We h
As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter. The teachers
This afternoon, Year 5 have been lucky enough to have Brother Khadim from Newcastle Central Mosque come into school to teach them about Islam, in keeping with their RE topic for this half term. Brother Khadim – and his wife – showed the children pictures of mosques, the Hajj and the Kaaba, and the c
The children in Nursery have enjoyed learning all about Spring! We went on a spring hunt with clipboards to look for signs of spring, together we found: buds, blossom, daffodils, green leaves, bees, minibeasts, and sunshine! We went on a minibeast hunt around the garden using tubs, paintbrushes, mag