Religious Education


In RE, the boys and girls are enjoying learning about the Jewish faith. They began by locating Jerusalem and the Western Wall and discussed why these are special places to Jewish people. They then identified objects which would be found in a synagogue and learned about their importance. On Wednesday


In RE this week, year 5 have been learning about the beliefs of Muslims and the important figures they worship and respect within their religion of Islam. The children learnt that Muslims believe in only one God, who they call Allah, and that he is the only God. As he has many different characterist


In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Islam. First, they learned how Muslim babies are welcomed into the world. They were very interested (and surprised) to find out that, when a baby is seven days old, it’s hair is shaved and weighed. The amount the baby’s hair weighs is the amount of money


This week Year One have been learning all about the first ever Christmas.  The children listened to the Nativity story and then drew a picture.  Some even wrote some sentences to accompany their work.  Later we learnt about the traditional Christingle services that take part in Christian churches


Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been learning about the Jewish faith and have studied some of the important beliefs and celebrations. A Sukkah is a temporary hut-like construction, covered in greenery, that Jews would dwell in during the week-long celebration of Sukkot. Sukkot comme