In Reception class, we embark on an exciting journey of exploration through our ‘Plan, Do, Review’ process. During our sessions, we express our preferences by writing down where we would like to play. This method allows our teachers to support us in following our interests, extending our learning an
This week in Nursery we have been looking at signs of Spring. As part of our topic, we have been learning all about signs of Spring. In order to observe growing, we have been growing cress. We first watched a video about to understand what cress is and then learnt how to plant the cress seeds by fol
During our Forest School sessions this term we have been learning about birds. Through games, activity’s and observations the children have widened their knowledge. This week we have been focusing on feathers, their shapes and their function. We have the advantage of having our own birds in school,
This week, Year One wanted to investigate which material would be the strongest material to build a house for The Three Little Pigs. Firstly, we read the story of The Three Little Pigs and were very excited that we could pretend to be the Big Bad Wolf! After we read the story, everyone made a predic
This term as part of their Humans and other Animals unit in Science, Year Two have been learning all about how to keep themselves healthy. First, the children found out about how humans change as they grow. The boys and girls were able to identify lots of ways they have changed since they were babie
In science, the boys and girls have been learning about skeletons. They began by finding out about 3 different types of skeleton; endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons, including the benefits and drawbacks of each. The children then successfully sorted animals based on skeleton type.
This week in our Forest School we have been learning about predators and how they hunt. Linking to last weeks lesson about kestrals, the children played a game where they were the prey. Miss Rowe was the kestral on the hunt. The mice have to creep and forage in the woods, trying to stay out of sigh
As part of the lead up to the Big School Birdwatch we have been learning about British birds of prey. Understanding how they hunt and what they prey on helps the children to understand these birds. In class we looked at the different types of birds and then what kind of animals they prey on. Underst
This half term, Year Six have been studying the Circulatory System as part of their Science unit of work. The children have learned about how blood travels around the body in order to transport Oxygen to keep us alive. They have studied the different blood vessels and written the journey of a red bl
This Thursday, Harlow Green’s ‘Green Machine’ took part in a regional VEX IQ Robotics tournament. Our team of seven children from year six and year five, demonstrated their skills in engineering, teamwork, cooperation and perseverance, alongside eighteen other teams from schools across the North Eas