Reception had some special visitors this morning, great eggcitement as they welcomed our new hens into class. Lots of the children saw the chicks during hatching so they were really interested to see how much they’d grown. They were surprised by how big they are now despite being only 4 months old.
Burning cardboard houses in Year 2 has become an annual event. In class the children have been learning about The Great Fires of London and Gateshead, during these lessons they have built their own street of houses using cardboard, paper, sticks and straw. They learned how the fire ripped through th
This week, Reception have enjoyed taking part in a variety of Halloween activities. Mr Bones, the skeleton, came to visit Reception and we learnt the names of some of the main bones in our body and talked about why we need bones. The children made their own skeleton pictures by snipping paper an
Over the past half-term, Year 6 have been learning about circuits and conductors and insulators. Firstly, the children learnt how to draw the circuit symbols and then used these to draw circuits. They considered circuit faults and how to fix them. Following this, the children learnt about insulators
This week in Reception, we have been talking about keeping clean. We started the week by reading ‘Wiffy Wilson the Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. We then talked about our own hygeine routines such as having a bath, brushing our teeth and washing our hands. We learnt why these tasks are important to ke
Helping our friends at Angel Court to look after their new hens and garden is a very important task for the children to do. The residents really appreciate it especially as the weather is getting colder. Keeping the paths clear of leaves and moss enables the wheel chair users to get around safely, r
Year 3 took on the Stick Tower Challenge which is harder than it looks. This is a construction task but it also requires good, positive team work. How do you use your knowledge of construction to build a tower of sticks? work in teams minimum of 2 people maximum of 4 only use sticks; no large bran
As part of this terms construction theme, some children created homes for a red squirrel. We talked about what a safe place feels like, what are the dangers of making a home outside and what impact the weather may have. The children used materials that they found in the Forest School and created a v
This time of year, with Halloween and Bonfire Night coming up, it is the perfect time to talk to the children about staying safe around fire. The children demonstrated how to use the fire pit safely. They played a game of The Fire Breathing Dragon, if he breathes fire on you what do you do? Stop, D
Year 6 are learning about fire construction and safety. This week more children learned how to build a fire, we discussed how different shaped fires can be constructed for different purposes. How the shape will direct where the main heat source is and how we can use this to our advantage. Outside