This week, before we headed out to the Forest School, Miss Rowe showed the children how to make sticky clay and paint from mud we dug out of the garden. We put the mud into a tray and mixed it up, flour is added to help pull the mud together. As the moisture in the mud activates the gluten in the
This half term in Science, the children have been learning about their ears and how they hear. This week, we looked at ways to absorb soundwaves which will make sound quieter. We used cups and a variety of materials and rated how clearly we could hear a sound through the various materials. We have
With Autumn now under way and Bonfire Night looming it is a good time to talk to the children about fire safety. We do this in class, where the children can share their experiences and learn which safety measures need to be in place before you even think about lighting a fire. We discuss risk, the f
In Science, Year Two have been learning all about animals and their habitats. They learned that a habitat is where an animal or a plant lives. To begin, the children worked in groups to sort different animals into the correct habitat before completing a similar activity in their books. Next, the boy
Before we began work tidying the garden, Miss Rowe and the children brought some of the new hens at Angel Court inside so the residents could enjoy them. Nothing nicer than having a warm, friendly hen on your lap. As you can see the chicks are becoming teenagers and it won’t be long before they ar
For their construction this week Year 6 children were encouraged to see if they could incorporate a moving part. They were asked to think about using the topography of the land and repurposing objects in an imaginative way. Despite lots of chat in class about the various kinds of motions possible, w
This weeks heavy rain meant that it was difficult for our friends at Angel Court to get out into the garden so the children went along to help. They cleaned out the new hens, giving them fresh food, water and bedding. Miss Rowe put up some tarps to create a shelter so the young birds have a dry area
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about forces in Science. We identified key forces that we encounter during our every day life, such as: friction, air resistance, water resistance, applied force and gravity. After looking at examples of each force, this week we completed an investigati
This week in Science, the children investigated reflective materials. They enjoyed working in groups to compare a range of materials (such as foil and black cloth), to determine which one would be the most suitable for a reflective book bag to carry to school in autumn and winter. Firstly, the child
Our first Forest School session after the holidays is when we re-establish confidence and independence by using our small steps. First the children run ahead to the nursery gate and wait for adults there, then to the ladder, (waiting, excited and chattering all lined up), then to the gazebo where th