

This afternoon, Year One were so lucky to have visitors from Animal Encounters. Firstly, they introduced the topic of dinosaurs and explained how they lived thousands of years ago but now they are extinct. The children listened carefully to the possible explanation, including a meteor or a volcanic


This week, the children in Year 5 had the opportunity to make some (not so tasty) alien soup as an end to our Science unit. Prior to the lesson, the children had learnt about dissolving substances and evaporation. This week, the children were introduced to the concept of separating mixed materials.


This week, Year 5 have been learning about solvents (liquids), solutes (solids) and solutions (mixture of liquid and solid). At the start of the week, we looked at the properties of different materials and groups different materials based on their shared properties.  We linked this back to our know


In Science, Year Two have been learning all about materials. To begin, the children named different materials and identified that a material is what something is made from. Next, the children discussed why certain materials are used for different things. They found out that a material has properties