

This week, in Science, Year 5 have been learning about space. Firstly, we looked at the eight planets in our solar system and learned a handy mnemonic to help us remember the names and order of the planets. Then, we found out some interesting facts about each one. Then, we learnt about why we have d


This week we started our new Science block – all about digestion.  There is a lot of technical vocabulary – from oesophagus to enzymes – and lots of new parts of the body we have learned about.  We followed the path of the food and drink we eat from the first bite, to swallowing, digesting and the


This week we have truly taken advantage of the warmer weather.  For our summer science topic we are learning about plants and firstly we learnt what a plant is.  We all went onto the field for a plant hunt.  The children found many different kinds of plant including bluebells, grass, daffodils, d


Some of the Year Two children have been taking part in a Lego STEM club. Each week they have found out about a different STEM related career and then taken part in an activity to link to these careers. First the children found out about civil engineers and mechanical engineers and completed their ow


This week Year One have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children started their learning journey by watching a video of a real life frog grow. The children were amazed at the different growing stages of a frog – frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog. The pupils created a frog mobil