

In Science this half term, the children in Year 3 are learning about light. The boys and girls have investigated light sources, understanding that the sun is a light source but the moon is not. When investigating darkness, the children identified that they cannot see in the dark and that darkness is


In Science, Year 6 have been investigating conductors and insulators. They have looked at the different circuit symbols and have considered circuit faults and how to fix them. This week, they were able to carry out an investigation into the brightness of bulbs. They had to make a prediction and then


Year One have been investigating different kinds of animals this term and how they can be classified in different ways. We firstly classified animals according to whether it is a mammal, fish, bird or insect. Next, we introduced the terms omnivore, herbivore and carnivore. As part of an experiment t


Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about forces in Science. We identified key forces that we encounter during our every day life, such as: friction, air resistance, water resistance, applied force and gravity. After looking at examples of each force, this week we completed an investigati