

This week we have truly taken advantage of the warmer weather.  For our summer science topic we are learning about plants and firstly we learnt what a plant is.  We all went onto the field for a plant hunt.  The children found many different kinds of plant including bluebells, grass, daffodils, d


In Science, Year Two have been learning all about personal hygiene. They learned that keeping themselves clean and tidy means they can live a healthier and happier life. Year Two learned about lots of different ways they can have good personal hygiene, including brushing their teeth, wearing clean c


As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter.  The teachers


This week Year One have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children started their learning journey by watching a video of a real life frog grow. The children were amazed at the different growing stages of a frog – frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog. The pupils created a frog mobile


5A enjoyed another trip out of school today: a science transition session at Lord Lawson Academy in Birtley. The session took place in one of the Academy’s science labs and was run by one of their science teachers. The children were introduced to cells, from both plants and animals, as the smallest