Year 4’s boat building reaches its final stages, these sessions have run alongside the children’s PSE lessons which have focused on managing frustration, self worth, persistence and resilience. The children have certainly faced some difficult challenges that demand a really positive attitude, knot w
This week Reception have learnt all about keeping healthy and hygienic. We started the week reading the story ‘Wiffy Wilson – The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. This taught us all about good and bad dirt and how to keep our bodies clean and healthy. We talked all about how important it is to wash our hand
Year 6 children, who are already confident applying a timber hitch, now attempted to add tension to lines they have created. Without tension the line won’t support weight, whether a climbing human or tarp when shelter building, a slack rope will effect the integrity of the timber hitch and create sa
Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s
The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed the final week of their science topic on forces. They have been learning about how mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys can be used to reduce the amount of force needed to move something. Levers are made up of a rigid beam and a fulcrum which ca
Come and play the Forest School way. Many of our Reception children have already learned so much about enjoying this wilder environment safely during their years in our nursery. Now they can hone their skills and get creative. Those children then support children who are new to Harlow Green and help
A fun packed morning in Year 2 this week. As part of the children’s history lessons, they have been learning about the Great Fire of Gateshead. They created their own houses in class and had the opportunity in our Forest School session to see first hand the effects of fire. Before the session began
This week in science, year 5 have been investigating how the force of air-resistance affects falling objects. The children were amazed by the video of Professor Brian Cox demonstrating how air-resistance acts upon a bowling ball and feather when they are dropped at the same time. In the presence of
In Science, Year Two have been learning about what animals need to survive – water, air, food and shelter. Sometimes, animals might not have everything they need, but there are things we can do to help. The children came up with lots of brilliant ideas including putting bird feeders and bird baths i
Now is the time of year that we need to prepare our Forest School for the seasons to come. Showing the children how we can make our site sustainable and realising their own environmental impact is an important aspect of our Forest School. We spent the afternoon collecting leaves for mulching, repair