In Science this week, we have been looking at electricity. We have learnt what electricity is and also looked at two different types of electricity; current and static. Over the next few weeks, we will also be looking at different ways to generate energy including renewables such as wind and solar.
Over the past half-term, Year 6 have been learning about circuits and conductors. We have talked about the future possibilities when it comes to having good understanding of circuits and the children have acted like electricians to spot problems in circuits and have drawn their own circuit diagrams.
We have been so busy in Reception this week! Here are just a few things we have been learning all about. Topic In Reception this week, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around school to identify the changes we noticed, looking at colours, sounds and the
Over the last two weeks, in Year 4 we have been learning about sound and how we hear. We started by looking at musical instruments and how we could feel them vibrate as we played, banged and hit them. We looked at how soundwaves travel and how they look different depending on the volume and pit
Year One have been investigating different kinds of animals. Firstly they learnt about what an animal is – ” a living thing.” Then they discovered that there are different groups of animals. They had fun sorting toys and pictures into mammals, fish, birds and insects. The children even discu
During our science lessons in Year 3 this term, the children will be learning all about light. The children generated lots of interesting questions they would like to find the answers to during our work, such as ‘Are there light sources in space?’ This week, the children have investigated light sour
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect
Year 5 have had a great start to the new school year! They have settled back into the school routines really well, and have enjoyed being back with their friends again. We have begun work on our topic this term with the study of forces in science. The children showed off their already excellent kn
What a beautiful morning to be creative, catch up with friends and start our journey into this years Forest School sessions. Linking to the topic of Vikings the children began setting up a boat building area. They started gathering resources from around the site and made their first models. Simple
In Science, year 4 have been learning about food chains as part of their topic on living things. In order to know what is eaten by what within a habitat, the children firstly had to revisit what they knew about the organisms that share the same habitats. They matched pictures of plants and animals w