

Over the last two weeks in science we have been investigating materials – including solids, liquids and gasses.  This week – the ultimate test meant we got to see how chocolate and ice changed state when we applied heat. Of course that meant we had to try it, so the children got a chocolate coin an


In PE, Year Two are learning how to dance. Miss Bull’s class are learning a routine called #DanceReunite, and Miss Norman’s class are dancing to Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. The children learnt that when we dance to a piece of music, we count in beats of eight. They practised counting the beats by


Never one to miss out on this lesson, back from isolation, Year 4A jumped straight into the challenge of creating an electrical circuit using a cell, bulb and wires.  They were even given the buzzers to try too.  Not only that – the children were so good we also added a switch and created buzzing,


In Science this term, year 4 have been learning all about electricity. The children explained that electricity is a type of energy that makes things work: making a light bulb light up, a kettle heat water, a fan spin and a radio play music. They identified the different devices that run on mains or


In Year 3, the children have been learning about rocks and fossils. They carried out their own investigation into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and discussed the properties of each type of rock. They then moved on to learn about how fossils are formed and had a go at creating their own.


In Year 2, our topic in Science this term is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We have looked at lots of different animals and where they live (their habitat). We started by sorting animals in to these habitats: desert, arctic, rainforest and ocean. Then, we focussed on one animal, the polar bear,