This week, the Year One children have enjoyed finding out about the four seasons and in particular have investigated what happens in Autumn . The children enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and went out on a Autumn hunt in the school grounds. They found out that not only do deciduous trees shed th
This week, the Reception children have enjoyed finding out about Autumn both at home and school. It was great that so many children enjoyed Autumn walks with their families last weekend and then brought in the Autumn treasures that they found to explore with their friends. The children made le
Nursery visited our Forest School today to look for signs of Autumn. Along the way they made some exciting discoveries, some small houses had appeared, strange holes in the ground, there were even some messages that looked like they were sent by fairies. The children went deep into the undergrowth t
In Reception this week we have been so busy thinking all about how to keep ourselves clean and healthy. During guided reading we focused on the book ‘Wiffy Wilson – The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. We shared the book during small group and found out the difference between good dirt and bad dirt. W
Year 4’s science topic this half term has been all about sound. The children have had lots of fun exploring how sounds are made using instruments and everyday objects. They loved being able to make as much noise as they wanted in a lesson, for once! The children have observed how sounds are made whe
The children in Reception were very excited this week, to welcome a new visitor to our classroom. Mr Bones made a rare trip out of the science cupboard to help us to learn all about our skeleton. The children were fascinated to meet him and asked lots of questions. They learnt that we have 206
Year 2 continue their investigations of our Forest School. It is important that they can move with confidence from area to area, finding smells and textures, bugs and plants, they begin to create a bank of information. This will help the children when we begin more specific activities, enabling th
This week, year 6 have started their Science unit on circuits and conductors. They have been thinking about the different circuit symbols that are used to represent the components when drawing a circuit diagram. In addition, they had to act as detectives and work out why circuit wouldn’t work and
The staff in EYFS have been overwhelmed by the amount and variety of home learning activities that the children have posted to Tapestry and our e-mail this week. It is evident that parents have been working hard to come up with new activities to make learning fun and keep their little ones busy. T
Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy