Year 6 children headed out to the Forest School this week to begin in a block of sessions that have a definite theme running in the background but still follow the guiding principles of the Forest School. Last lesson we stayed in class avoiding the torrential rain and set the scene for the next few
This week the Nursery children had their first Forest School session. Miss Rowe was so impressed with how well they sat and listened in class and had a very lively discussion about what our school rules Ready, Respectful and Safe look like in the Forest School. Then we headed out onto the woods. We
This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We went on an adventure around our school grounds to start looking for signs of Autumn. We started by looking at the trees on our school grounds and we noticed the leaves were all different shapes and sizes, as well a
Fire lighting can be a tricky affair, add in the rain and the wind and the task can get really challenging. The Year 4 children watched as Miss Rowe battled the elements to get the campfire lit. A little bit of help, in the form of a well placed ball of cotton wool, meant that eventually the tinder
Over the past few weeks, Year 3 have been hard at work learning all about light during their science lessons. They began with a blind fold challenge to understand the importance of light. As part of their job, they investigated which materials would be the most reflective – perfect for designing a
This term in Science, Year Six are studying electricity. This week, the children have been drawing circuit symbols and working circuits. It was important to remember to use a pencil and a ruler to draw the wires. The children constructed circuits using wires, bulbs, buzzers and batteries. Everyo
This afternoon, Year One were so lucky to have visitors from Animal Encounters. Firstly, they introduced the topic of dinosaurs and explained how they lived thousands of years ago but now they are extinct. The children listened carefully to the possible explanation, including a meteor or a volcanic
We have had an exciting arrival in Reception this week. Caterpillars have joined our class and they have already started to make their cocoons and we cannot wait to see them transform into butterflies. During the week, the children enjoyed reading ‘The hungry caterpillar’ and discussing the diff
In Science, Year 3 have been learning about magnets and their magnetic fields. The children handled different types of magnets and were quick to make predictions about which they thought would be the strongest and why. They then used the magnets to investigate whether their predictions were correct
Year 2 and Year 5 documented their own Forest School sessions this week. This is just a snapshot of what they got up to. They made a boat from an upturned picnic table and sailed the world. They created with clay and natural materials. They hunted for bugs and amphibians. They climbed the trees and