This week, the children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their experience learning about space through a VR headset. Last term, the children in Year 5 loved their Earth and Space unit in Science. On Wednesday, the children were thrilled to find out that they had one more lesson to enjoy – this time wi
This week year 4 had the opportunity to experience the world of Virtual Reality, and how this can be used to enhance the curriculum. The theme of the workshop was The Human Body, where they explored the circulatory, digestive and skeletal systems. Each child wore a headset, and took a journey throug
Today was an exciting day for our Reception class as we ventured out to Hall Hill Farm! The day started with a bumpy tractor ride that had everyone laughing and holding on tight. Our first stop was to feed the llamas, alpacas, goats, sheep, and the impressive Highland cows. The children loved gettin
We were thrilled to have Ruth and Eve from Sylvan Skills working with some of our Year 5 children to re-dress our willow hens. Ruth started the session by showing the children how to weave the willow into egg shapes. It can be hard on the hands but they did a really good job, gradually weaving aro
On Wednesday, Year 5 had a very interesting visit from Wonder Dome. During this half term, the children have been fully engaged in their space unit in Science. The children started the topic by looking at the planets within our solar system and identified interesting facts about each planet, inclu
The children in Reception have been getting to know the life cycle of a frog this week. We began the week by reading ‘Growing Frogs’ by Vivian French which details the life cycle of a frog. The children learnt that the life cycle begins with frogspawn, which slowly changes into a tadpole. The Tadpol
Our Year 4s are really getting involved with this terms tree topic. We are learning about the importance of surveying and managing trees on our site. Management of them allows us to gain the many benefits, whilst still having confidence in the safety and integrity of the trees. This week they bega
Year 1 spent the afternoon learning how to recognise and describe the shapes of leaves on trees in our Forest School. In class we played a leaf sorting game, separating into 5 main leaf shapes: Lobed, Compound, Eliptical, Cordate and Needles. The children could describe what features they might
Nursery and Reception children have been learning about different leaf shapes particularly focusing on tree leaves. This activity encourages the children to really observe in more detail and at the same time they get to enjoy some work with tools. First they played a leaf recognition game, trying
This is a physical way or teaching the children about the parts of a tree, Year 4 threw themselves into the challenge and completed it both under instruction and then independently as a class. Challenge: as a class you will be creating a tree by acting out tree parts, the Leader will direct you. Two