To share all the news and events that happen at Harlow Green Community Primary School, the Year 6 HG News team report weekly. The aim is to build confidence and a range of skills which can be applied in a variety of ways. This opportunity also gives an insight into the potential of becoming a jour
During our Forest School sessions this term we have been learning about birds. Through games, activity’s and observations the children have widened their knowledge. This week we have been focusing on feathers, their shapes and their function. We have the advantage of having our own birds in school,
This week in our Forest School we have been learning about predators and how they hunt. Linking to last weeks lesson about kestrals, the children played a game where they were the prey. Miss Rowe was the kestral on the hunt. The mice have to creep and forage in the woods, trying to stay out of sigh
As part of the lead up to the Big School Birdwatch we have been learning about British birds of prey. Understanding how they hunt and what they prey on helps the children to understand these birds. In class we looked at the different types of birds and then what kind of animals they prey on. Underst
Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy and Polly Dunbar is the book we have been enjoying with the residents at Angel Court. Working with creative story teller Elizabeth, the children and residents have been adding to the story using themselves as additional characters. Trying to rhyme with names can be
After the children played some bird identification games, where they had to find birds from name only rather than images, the children were encouraged to build some Mega-nests. First as a whole class, then in teams. They could only use fir trees and they had to make sure all team mates were off the
This term in our Forest School we will be taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. All classes will be involved in this in some way. This week we revisited how we identify birds. Below you can see some of the Year 2 children playing a bird identification game, this helps with their observation
The school choir were delighted to be able to go and perform again this year for the congregation at St Ninians Church. The choir sang a selection of traditional carols and some more upbeat Christmas hits. We invited our friends from Angel Court and Craigielee Care homes to come and join in the fest
Today, the Year 5 and 6 children have performed their Christmas Carol Concert for the parents – with one showing in the morning and another at the end of the day. Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been working hard to learn their lines, rehearse solo and group singing parts and practi
Practice makes perfect at Angel Court this week as the children and residents prepare for their performance of the Legend of the Evergreen Trees. The residents each represent a tree from the story, the children are the birds and the North wind, whilst Elizabeth narrates. We are using all the props t