Events and Activities


Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s


Year 4 had a great day today completing our Geography work all about Europe, finishing off our weekly Maths quizzes and spellings and jobs in the class – all in our non-uniform and amazing Children In Need attire!  Spots, ears, badges, t-shirts, onesies, pyjamas and more….. Then we got to drench


This week it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and we have celebrated this across school. Reception joined in to kick off the week with the ‘Odd Socks Day’ campaign. This highlights the importance of being unique and that no matter our differences, difficulties and disabilities, everyone needs to be