Events and Activities


Throughout Sports Week, Year Five (Mrs Jennings’s class) have taken part in lots of interesting activities based around sport and a country that is taking part in the Olympic Games. Year Five’s country was Tanzania and the children have learnt lots about what it would be like to go there. Many of


As part of Sports Week, Year Six (Mrs Galvin’s class) took part in lots of fun activities: clay modelling to make sculptures to represent their time at Harlow Green; making sculptures of sporting events out of foil in the style of artist Giacometti; and producing posters to promote water safety. The


Well done to all of the children in Year Five (Mrs Jennings’s class) for completing their Race for Life challenge today – 10 full laps of the school field.  All of the children made a great effort and were supportive and caring towards each other (and Mrs Jennings).   It was lovely to see happy


On Friday, Year 5 went to Gibside! Luckily, the weather was good for most of the day so although we did get a little bit damp at lunchtime, we dried off quickly! The classes split up and took it in turns to undertake the activities: orienteering and the low ropes. When orienteering, the children put