It is nearly Christmas and this week has seen the highly anticipated Year One Christmas party. Everyone looked amazing dressed up in their smartest outfits. The day kicked off with a fashion show, with the opportunity for everyone (including the teachers) to shimmy and strut their stuff down the
We have had a fantastic festive week in Reception! We kicked off our festivities with our school Christmas lunch on Tuesday. We tried all the different parts of the dinner even if we weren’t sure we would like it. The children thought it was delicious! They loved pulling crackers with their friends
As people may remember, we shared the sad news that Mrs Vi Symons, ex Head Teacher of Harlow Green Infant School, had passed away this year. In commemoration of the impact Mrs Symons had on our school community, governors agreed to make small, yet significant, change to the school. On Friday 10th
As this years Forest School sessions come to a close for Christmas, the children were given a free play session so we can observe what they’ve learned and what they’ve really enjoyed. It was great to see how independent and confident they have become. Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term proc
The school catering team excelled themselves once again with a Christmas lunch that was enjoyed, literally, by hundreds! To get everything ready, teachers and Teaching Assistants prepared the room so that the tables were covered, and crackers set out, whilst the all-important cooking was going on be
Encouraging the children to experiment and challenge themselves in our Forest School helps to foster a sense of achievement. Learning how they can manage any potential risks themselves and so enjoy activities safely, gives them independence. Keeping a look out for possible dangers, particularly in c
Today was the official announcement to our children that an exciting art project was being undertaken with the aim of producing work for school which would represent our school community. Leanne Billinghurst, who is a parent of children at Harlow Green but also a professional artist, had discussed w
Year 4’s boat building reaches its final stages, these sessions have run alongside the children’s PSE lessons which have focused on managing frustration, self worth, persistence and resilience. The children have certainly faced some difficult challenges that demand a really positive attitude, knot w
This week we started Christmas in Reception! The children have loved spending time in school celebrating and learning about Advent and the reason why we celebrate Christmas. We started topic by reading the story ‘The Nativity’ which told us all about the story of the first Christmas and about baby J
Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s