Today, our to local Police Community Support Officers visited school and spoke to the children from Years 1 – 6 about road safety, winter hazards and the dark and the role of the Emergency Services. It is great to be welcoming some visitors back in to school and be able to build the relations with t
The money has been counted, the total has been found. We have raised a whopping…. *drum roll please* £791.38!!! We have been blown away by the generosity in donations this year that our school community has managed to raise together. Your donations towards the 2021 Children in Need appeal is gr
Year 4 had a great day today completing our Geography work all about Europe, finishing off our weekly Maths quizzes and spellings and jobs in the class – all in our non-uniform and amazing Children In Need attire! Spots, ears, badges, t-shirts, onesies, pyjamas and more….. Then we got to drench
This week it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and we have celebrated this across school. Reception joined in to kick off the week with the ‘Odd Socks Day’ campaign. This highlights the importance of being unique and that no matter our differences, difficulties and disabilities, everyone needs to be
On Friday 19th November, we celebrated Children in Need across school. The children came in their spots, dress up costumes or Pudsey accessories to raise money for the 2021 Appeal Show. We all learnt the meaning behind Children in Need and how it originated through our class assembly time. Everyone
Come and play the Forest School way. Many of our Reception children have already learned so much about enjoying this wilder environment safely during their years in our nursery. Now they can hone their skills and get creative. Those children then support children who are new to Harlow Green and help
Year 6 showed off their rope work skills this week. After being taught a timber hitch for anchoring, the children then translated that knowledge into the trees, creating their own rope lines. Securing with simple half hitches to give tension they had to work together to ensure tight and safe lines.
Although this Christmas period will again not be what we would call ‘normal’, it is important that we continue to have events which children can enjoy and access to begin the celebration of this important time. Unfortunately, we will not be able to have parents/carers into school, which I know w
Children in Year 6 enjoyed a visit to SafetyWorks! in Newcastle. They learned about various aspects of safety in the home and in the wider community. This included how to keep safe in the kitchen; keeping their bedroom free from fire hazards; crossing the road safely on dark nights; using the metro;
Harvest Festival As a school we celebrated Harvest, linking with World Food Day on 16th October, to collect non-perishable foods for those who are less fortunate. Harvest Festival celebrates the time of year when crops have been gathered from the field and people can reflect on they food that they h